Hey, Welcome to Fashion District we hope you enjoy!!!
We are so happy and glad that we get the opportunity to give you tips, photos, slideshows, and more! Leave comments or ask questions in person (and online) to see any of the greatest and latest trends. We have colorful, goth, spring, unique, and many more styles you can look at daily! Our names are Natalie and Alicia and we love fashion. We dream fashion, wear fashion, obey fashion, and follow fashion. We do fashion design our own outfits in real life and love to show our personality based on our fashion. We are so glad that we have more people viewing the site more lately and we are so grateful for our fans! We will post daily about our fashion and more about us. You will continue to learn more about us as you continue to read the posts. Thank you so much, we love you guys! No matter what country you are in, or what you can and can't do, always be yourself and never be afraid to approach something or wear something in life. Always follow your dreams and never give up, thanks so much! - Natalie and Alicia (Written by Alicia)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Random Stuff To Do In Class!!!

Have you ever gotten bored in class??? Here are some fun random things that you can do!!! Have fun, and please comment if you did one in class after reading this post. Don't forget to vote on your reactions under this post!!!

1.Speak in improper English like ain’t, and when the teacher corrects, nod like you understand and continue to speak improperly.
2.Randomly get out of your seat and sit on the floor.
3.When it is very quiet, raise your hand and insist it is too loud.
4.If the person next to you is quiet, turn and inform them that they are distracting you.
5.When the teacher calls on you to answer the question, answer `Two ’
6.Randomly raise your hand and say “The answer is three ”
7.Give your teacher a note that uses improper English and misspelled words. Have the note insisting that you are `the most bestest’ in the class and demand to be moved up.
8.During a test, tell the teachers `the voices’ are making you cheat
9.Color red dots all over your arm and show the teacher, and tell her/him that you are allergic to School.

11.Take out sock puppets and play with them, and occasionally have them grab your classmate’s hair. When the teacher looks, keep the sock on your hand and point to your classmate and tell the teacher that the classmate is attacking you with puppets
If your teacher walks around the room during the test, cover your test and glare at them suspiciously.
If your teacher walks around the room during a test, raise your hand and tell the teacher that they are cheating off you.
When the teacher calls on you to answer a question, talk in a creepy voice and say `I’ll never tell’ and a few questions later raise your hand and ask why you haven’t been allowed to answer a question yet.
Ask to go to the bathroom. Stay in your seat, and when asked if you are going, say `I just did’
Raise your hand and point to a person on the other side of the room. Insist that that person is cheating off you.
Say that someone across the room is using their telepathic (mind-reading) abilities to cheat off of you.
Ask to go to the bathroom. Get up and walk into the wall. Furrow your brow, glare at the wall and walk into it again. Smile sheepishly and then walk out the door.
When coming back from bathroom, walk through the door. Then ask how you got there.
Raise your hand and ask if you can be excused to skip class.
Meow and bark occasionally.
Hold your head and groan, then tell your teacher that your multiple personalities are fighting.
Walk into class and look around confused. Ask where you are, then say “Oh, this is school I thought this was McDonald's
Read a book, and when class starts, raise your hand and say that they are interrupting your reading

For more info go to http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091212152346AAwN3Ee

-Natalie ;-D

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